Oh, devoted blog readers. You. Are. In. For. A. Treat. Remember my post weeks ago about how Adam and I met? And, how ridiculously embarrassing photographs of me staring up at Adam like he was some kind of Greek god were captured during this meet-cute? Well, I thought the photos were gone forever. When they were initially posted on the Delta Sig website, I did not save them to my computer because I was MORTIFIED. Seven years later, I never thought I'd see them again. Enter Bill Marsh. A great, great friend of ours, and a fellow Delta Sig, Bill was so delighted and intrigued by my telling of this story that he sought out to locate these photos. He contacted fellow frat brothers and searched high and low for them. Well, kids, he found them. I will admit, I hoped dearly that I had exaggerated my telling of the story and that the photos were, in fact, not so bad. Fat chance. Bill had a good, long laugh after seeing them and assured me they are, indeed, pretty bad.
Lucky for you, I'm not ashamed of these pictures. Sure, I look like a school girl sitting in the front row of a Justin Bieber concert, but what can you do? Some may say it was love at first sight. Therefore, I feel it is only my duty to follow through and show everyone these photographs. And truth be told, I am actually really grateful to Bill for locating this memory for me. After all, it was the first time we ever met, and I am glad we have photos of it.
Without further ado, here are the photos. It was a bit dark (after all, it was at a club) so the photos are not a great quality. The upside for you is no amount of quality loss can cover up this debacle. It shouldn't be hard for you to spot me. I'm the girl breaking her neck in an attempt to gawk at Adam. Enjoy.
That's me, on the right. Clearly enamored. |
This is the worst one, I think. Not only am I staring up at Adam, but I appear to be the only one. |
So, there you have it. In all its glory. Bill insists we should post these photos in large format at the wedding. What do you think? Haven't I suffered enough?
Awwwwww....How CUTE! Although I am a little surprised in my future son in law! (Who would have thunk it =)
Surprised, really....its Adam dancing....sort of...